all postcodes in M2 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M2 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M2 4EB 1 1 53.47994 -2.244169
M2 4EG 4 4 53.478999 -2.242717
M2 4EN 1 1 53.47994 -2.244169
M2 4ER 1 1 53.479956 -2.244166
M2 4EW 5 5 53.479707 -2.243836
M2 4FN 2 1 53.47966 -2.243713
M2 4FW 2 0 53.480359 -2.244787
M2 4JA 1 1 53.480361 -2.244214
M2 4JB 3 1 53.480423 -2.244501
M2 4JE 14 1 53.480865 -2.244656
M2 4JF 2 1 53.480602 -2.244743
M2 4JG 5 5 53.480565 -2.24524
M2 4JN 2 2 53.480387 -2.244696
M2 4JQ 4 3 53.480954 -2.245079
M2 4JR 1 1 53.481341 -2.24493
M2 4JW 2 2 53.480179 -2.244936
M2 4LA 3 3 53.480376 -2.245299
M2 4LG 2 1 53.481058 -2.245936
M2 4LQ 23 23 53.481135 -2.243661
M2 4LY 5 2 53.481033 -2.245757