all postcodes in M2 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M2 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M2 3AG 3 2 53.480765 -2.239605
M2 3AQ 2 1 53.481099 -2.239246
M2 3AW 19 19 53.48169 -2.240894
M2 3AZ 1 1 53.480344 -2.240133
M2 3BA 5 5 53.480659 -2.239954
M2 3BB 11 11 53.480495 -2.240706
M2 3BD 1 1 53.475715 -2.244355
M2 3DW 2 2 53.476731 -2.244482
M2 3FF 1 1 53.479732 -2.240416
M2 3FU 1 1 53.480126 -2.245526
M2 3FX 15 15 53.478874 -2.242339
M2 3GR 1 1 53.480793 -2.240331
M2 3GX 1 1 53.476203 -2.247281
M2 3HQ 4 1 53.479884 -2.240067
M2 3HR 2 1 53.47936 -2.241014
M2 3HY 1 1 53.479732 -2.240416
M2 3HZ 9 9 53.479515 -2.240791
M2 3JB 1 1 53.479371 -2.240896
M2 3JL 1 1 53.478777 -2.24157
M2 3LW 6 6 53.479055 -2.242039