all postcodes in M46 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M46 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M46 0BB 31 0 53.520875 -2.4982
M46 0BD 13 1 53.521372 -2.499759
M46 0BE 22 2 53.520495 -2.501016
M46 0BF 3 2 53.523414 -2.49295
M46 0BG 4 0 53.521578 -2.491345
M46 0BH 9 0 53.519544 -2.502814
M46 0BJ 37 0 53.519632 -2.501036
M46 0BL 11 0 53.52034 -2.499294
M46 0BN 28 0 53.519117 -2.501527
M46 0BP 4 0 53.520566 -2.498813
M46 0BQ 30 0 53.522291 -2.488291
M46 0BS 3 0 53.522655 -2.498281
M46 0BT 1 0 53.52241 -2.49873
M46 0BU 5 0 53.521621 -2.487364
M46 0BW 22 0 53.518823 -2.501056
M46 0BX 24 0 53.522737 -2.493666
M46 0DA 25 21 53.523867 -2.494072
M46 0DB 13 2 53.524126 -2.494572
M46 0DE 16 0 53.524004 -2.495808
M46 0DF 33 20 53.52355 -2.496934