all postcodes in M46 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M46 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M46 0LW 36 1 53.525121 -2.503785
M46 0LX 32 2 53.522151 -2.500159
M46 0LY 2 2 53.528118 -2.502523
M46 0LZ 6 0 53.517678 -2.512369
M46 0NA 30 2 53.521911 -2.499886
M46 0NB 9 0 53.525781 -2.492223
M46 0ND 9 0 53.526193 -2.492515
M46 0NE 2 0 53.523966 -2.500317
M46 0NF 5 0 53.524924 -2.499273
M46 0NG 4 0 53.525497 -2.497544
M46 0NH 7 0 53.526682 -2.498238
M46 0NJ 18 0 53.524577 -2.502723
M46 0NL 12 0 53.523532 -2.50348
M46 0NN 9 0 53.523707 -2.502456
M46 0NP 10 0 53.52345 -2.501563
M46 0NR 8 0 53.523741 -2.500647
M46 0NS 1 1 53.523493 -2.49553
M46 0NW 33 0 53.520177 -2.504043
M46 0NY 27 0 53.512837 -2.509415
M46 0NZ 9 0 53.512797 -2.510289