all postcodes in M46 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M46 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M46 0QA 46 1 53.522809 -2.519037
M46 0QB 26 0 53.52327 -2.516313
M46 0QD 46 0 53.52205 -2.513734
M46 0QE 36 0 53.521308 -2.512669
M46 0QF 27 0 53.520768 -2.512964
M46 0QG 12 0 53.51957 -2.505016
M46 0QH 22 0 53.521875 -2.510564
M46 0QJ 18 0 53.519182 -2.507516
M46 0QL 15 0 53.514566 -2.508787
M46 0QN 8 0 53.519509 -2.506841
M46 0QP 7 0 53.517276 -2.507674
M46 0QQ 6 0 53.516268 -2.508039
M46 0QR 5 0 53.516446 -2.508327
M46 0QS 4 0 53.517138 -2.508063
M46 0QT 8 0 53.516889 -2.507699
M46 0QU 1 0 53.517325 -2.508851
M46 0QW 17 0 53.518032 -2.509417
M46 0QX 20 0 53.517976 -2.509899
M46 0QY 21 0 53.518899 -2.510694
M46 0QZ 10 0 53.518658 -2.51036