all postcodes in M46 / MANCHESTER

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Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M46 0GA 53 1 53.522483 -2.519607
M46 0GB 35 2 53.522456 -2.513271
M46 0GD 30 2 53.522754 -2.510529
M46 0GH 35 0 53.521481 -2.512264
M46 0GP 39 0 53.518211 -2.507579
M46 0GQ 1 1 53.523839 -2.492367
M46 0GY 3 2 53.523973 -2.492534
M46 0HA 33 4 53.528308 -2.493912
M46 0HD 36 0 53.529486 -2.496113
M46 0HE 32 0 53.528632 -2.495998
M46 0HF 21 0 53.528143 -2.49477
M46 0HG 51 0 53.53074 -2.503596
M46 0HH 18 1 53.527899 -2.497347
M46 0HJ 36 7 53.529346 -2.497258
M46 0HL 46 0 53.529042 -2.501237
M46 0HN 38 1 53.530428 -2.498704
M46 0HQ 6 0 53.529851 -2.503253
M46 0HR 28 0 53.530029 -2.501611
M46 0HS 20 0 53.530404 -2.500061
M46 0HT 39 0 53.531171 -2.499376