all postcodes in M46 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M46 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M46 0DG 7 5 53.523587 -2.492122
M46 0DH 8 2 53.523937 -2.496772
M46 0DJ 21 0 53.52387 -2.497374
M46 0DL 37 1 53.523191 -2.496703
M46 0DN 15 9 53.523485 -2.490945
M46 0DP 27 18 53.523604 -2.4944
M46 0DQ 11 7 53.523847 -2.492442
M46 0DR 15 3 53.524103 -2.49154
M46 0DT 17 3 53.524654 -2.490732
M46 0EA 31 0 53.525137 -2.49315
M46 0DU 24 0 53.525022 -2.490827
M46 0DW 19 15 53.523718 -2.491083
M46 0DX 24 7 53.523252 -2.497247
M46 0DY 22 1 53.525017 -2.492154
M46 0DZ 26 1 53.525437 -2.492717
M46 0ED 47 0 53.524646 -2.494925
M46 0EE 14 1 53.524501 -2.497277
M46 0EF 21 0 53.524748 -2.498214
M46 0EG 5 5 53.523407 -2.490099
M46 0EH 15 0 53.524005 -2.497739