all postcodes in ME10 / SITTINGBOURNE

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Postcode Area

ME / Rochester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ME10 3BB 39 0 51.338433 0.758498
ME10 3BD 22 0 51.337802 0.759695
ME10 3BE 34 0 51.337157 0.756811
ME10 3BH 18 1 51.337773 0.761213
ME10 3BJ 23 0 51.338337 0.761707
ME10 3BL 23 0 51.339464 0.760527
ME10 3BP 25 0 51.339042 0.762024
ME10 3BQ 19 0 51.338412 0.760924
ME10 3BS 20 1 51.339451 0.759835
ME10 3BT 38 0 51.338937 0.760652
ME10 3BU 17 0 51.339483 0.758604
ME10 3BX 44 0 51.3397 0.761889
ME10 3BY 48 0 51.339878 0.758123
ME10 3DA 60 0 51.338896 0.755925
ME10 3DB 19 0 51.339888 0.763437
ME10 3DD 33 0 51.337258 0.758239
ME10 3DE 1 1 51.338513 0.747059
ME10 3DF 7 0 51.340224 0.762538
ME10 3DG 1 1 51.339214 0.734379
ME10 3DH 10 0 51.340174 0.739416