all postcodes in MK15 / MILTON KEYNES

find any address or company within the MK15 postcode district

Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK15 9JB 4 0 52.059994 -0.731813
MK15 9JD 13 0 52.064144 -0.720638
MK15 9JE 3 0 52.063632 -0.722374
MK15 9JF 3 0 52.063959 -0.721781
MK15 9JG 12 0 52.060607 -0.731956
MK15 9JH 13 0 52.064647 -0.720565
MK15 9JJ 4 0 52.063719 -0.720446
MK15 9JL 15 8 52.06263 -0.731942
MK15 9JP 8 1 52.063332 -0.724527
MK15 9JQ 12 0 52.060195 -0.731267
MK15 9JR 7 0 52.064204 -0.727828
MK15 9JS 7 0 52.060683 -0.733208
MK15 9JT 13 0 52.060805 -0.728639
MK15 9JU 8 0 52.063139 -0.729944
MK15 9JW 1 1 52.063471 -0.730781
MK15 9JY 1 1 52.057206 -0.730958
MK15 9JZ 4 0 52.062105 -0.720783
MK15 9LA 6 0 52.064101 -0.718319
MK15 9LB 6 0 52.062864 -0.715379
MK15 9LD 35 0 52.064352 -0.716649