all postcodes in MK15 / MILTON KEYNES

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Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK15 0DQ 12 11 52.052489 -0.709726
MK15 0DS 1 1 52.048834 -0.72246
MK15 0DT 1 1 52.051141 -0.730445
MK15 0EB 1 1 52.054214 -0.707081
MK15 0HA 11 0 52.038384 -0.727278
MK15 0HB 8 0 52.038268 -0.729862
MK15 0HD 5 0 52.0375 -0.728673
MK15 0HP 8 0 52.045975 -0.726668
MK15 0SB 3 3 52.051747 -0.711716
MK15 0YA 1 1 52.051758 -0.711695
MK15 0YS 1 1 52.051441 -0.712557
MK15 0DF 10 52.049301 -0.712306
MK15 0DU 10 52.048177 -0.711463
MK15 0BG 1 1 52.055579 -0.725958
MK15 0SF 1 1 52.053368 -0.713399
MK15 8AB 17 0 52.062432 -0.744537
MK15 8AD 17 0 52.062562 -0.742433
MK15 8AE 23 0 52.061605 -0.74456
MK15 8AF 21 0 52.062032 -0.743308
MK15 8AG 41 0 52.063248 -0.744383