all postcodes in MK15 / MILTON KEYNES

find any address or company within the MK15 postcode district

Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK15 8HN 1 1 52.068335 -0.734057
MK15 8HQ 8 7 52.069842 -0.726028
MK15 8HR 1 1 52.067648 -0.736279
MK15 8HT 1 1 52.068264 -0.728354
MK15 8JA 12 11 52.07144 -0.7293
MK15 8JD 1 1 52.066694 -0.723672
MK15 8JH 1 1 52.068733 -0.730077
MK15 8PA 25 0 52.063896 -0.736035
MK15 8PB 9 0 52.063692 -0.736259
MK15 8PD 10 0 52.062526 -0.736511
MK15 8PE 13 0 52.063285 -0.735235
MK15 8PF 8 0 52.062733 -0.735732
MK15 8PG 49 0 52.064148 -0.741892
MK15 8PH 8 0 52.064835 -0.741435
MK15 8PJ 4 0 52.065229 -0.740447
MK15 8PL 17 0 52.064357 -0.738764
MK15 8PN 5 0 52.064699 -0.740432
MK15 8PP 21 0 52.064959 -0.738704
MK15 8PQ 41 0 52.064714 -0.741891
MK15 8PR 29 0 52.065179 -0.738274