all postcodes in MK15 / MILTON KEYNES

find any address or company within the MK15 postcode district

Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK15 8PS 24 0 52.065507 -0.73952
MK15 8PT 33 0 52.062863 -0.735262
MK15 8PU 4 0 52.0637 -0.739483
MK15 8PZ 8 0 52.063785 -0.739058
MK15 8QA 11 0 52.063512 -0.737913
MK15 8QB 17 0 52.062899 -0.736924
MK15 8QD 47 0 52.062681 -0.738418
MK15 8QH 5 0 52.064452 -0.73758
MK15 8QJ 4 0 52.064346 -0.736912
MK15 8XN 1 1 52.030558 -0.689979
MK15 8ZP 1 1 52.030558 -0.689979
MK15 8ZQ 1 1 52.030558 -0.689979
MK15 8BF 1 52.070373 -0.727156
MK15 8HG 2 52.069016 -0.72948
MK15 9AA 2 0 52.062482 -0.722225
MK15 9AB 8 1 52.062768 -0.719831
MK15 9AD 9 0 52.060805 -0.717816
MK15 9AE 16 0 52.057295 -0.74172
MK15 9AF 40 0 52.056814 -0.739604
MK15 9AG 7 0 52.055644 -0.739535