all postcodes in ML11 / LANARK

find any address or company within the ML11 postcode district

Postcode Area

ML / Motherwell

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ML11 7EH 28 0 55.675416 -3.765532
ML11 7EJ 40 0 55.676634 -3.767066
ML11 7EL 16 0 55.675729 -3.766929
ML11 7EN 15 0 55.673556 -3.763015
ML11 7EP 12 0 55.67383 -3.761453
ML11 7EQ 9 0 55.676372 -3.765909
ML11 7ER 11 0 55.673398 -3.760909
ML11 7ES 27 20 55.673548 -3.776585
ML11 7ET 1 1 55.673447 -3.776797
ML11 7EX 16 10 55.673379 -3.778962
ML11 7HB 10 0 55.67704 -3.771935
ML11 7HD 18 0 55.676574 -3.773727
ML11 7HE 20 0 55.677189 -3.769763
ML11 7HF 22 0 55.677717 -3.76861
ML11 7HG 7 0 55.678402 -3.769149
ML11 7HH 29 0 55.679053 -3.768829
ML11 7HJ 14 0 55.678173 -3.76758
ML11 7HL 28 0 55.679592 -3.767629
ML11 7HN 28 0 55.679297 -3.769349
ML11 7HP 19 0 55.680437 -3.771961