all postcodes in ML11 / LANARK

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Postcode Area

ML / Motherwell

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ML11 7JS 16 6 55.673145 -3.773492
ML11 7JT 38 2 55.67317 -3.776101
ML11 7JW 7 0 55.681269 -3.76411
ML11 7JX 2 1 55.673402 -3.777946
ML11 7JY 28 0 55.672672 -3.775729
ML11 7JZ 6 0 55.672631 -3.777349
ML11 7LA 14 3 55.672703 -3.772343
ML11 7LB 1 1 55.672939 -3.772194
ML11 7LD 5 2 55.672621 -3.769954
ML11 7LF 1 1 55.67379 -3.778562
ML11 7LG 17 0 55.672304 -3.770687
ML11 7LU 36 15 55.673784 -3.77949
ML11 7LN 27 18 55.673798 -3.777312
ML11 7LQ 26 9 55.671577 -3.771274
ML11 7LR 12 0 55.675191 -3.769338
ML11 7LS 1 0 55.687131 -3.718288
ML11 7LT 3 0 55.689154 -3.725966
ML11 7LX 20 3 55.674025 -3.780248
ML11 7LZ 19 5 55.6743 -3.781861
ML11 7ND 1 1 55.674426 -3.781819