all postcodes in ML11 / LANARK

find any address or company within the ML11 postcode district

Postcode Area

ML / Motherwell

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ML11 7HQ 9 1 55.678977 -3.770384
ML11 7HR 40 0 55.680254 -3.769726
ML11 7HS 12 0 55.68033 -3.768187
ML11 7HT 18 0 55.680454 -3.769544
ML11 7HU 9 0 55.681191 -3.768305
ML11 7HW 4 0 55.680072 -3.77107
ML11 7HX 22 0 55.680996 -3.769982
ML11 7HY 4 0 55.681704 -3.768885
ML11 7HZ 28 0 55.681662 -3.766768
ML11 7JA 31 0 55.680576 -3.764794
ML11 7JB 11 0 55.680534 -3.765253
ML11 7JD 5 0 55.679814 -3.764696
ML11 7JE 7 0 55.679799 -3.765697
ML11 7JF 14 0 55.680046 -3.766027
ML11 7JG 10 0 55.681119 -3.767666
ML11 7JH 16 0 55.678681 -3.766617
ML11 7JL 7 0 55.680775 -3.763499
ML11 7JN 6 0 55.680319 -3.762667
ML11 7JQ 40 0 55.679758 -3.766682
ML11 7JR 31 20 55.67354 -3.774718