all postcodes in ML11 / LANARK

find any address or company within the ML11 postcode district

Postcode Area

ML / Motherwell

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ML11 7PU 15 0 55.67454 -3.778793
ML11 7PW 15 0 55.67659 -3.787532
ML11 7PX 25 0 55.675083 -3.779787
ML11 7PY 22 1 55.675301 -3.780364
ML11 7PZ 27 2 55.676989 -3.781681
ML11 7QA 40 0 55.67623 -3.78319
ML11 7ST 4 0 55.676046 -3.784151
ML11 7QB 13 0 55.675646 -3.783211
ML11 7QD 11 0 55.675442 -3.784251
ML11 7QE 5 0 55.675909 -3.784893
ML11 7QF 8 0 55.675805 -3.785752
ML11 7QG 29 0 55.676665 -3.783575
ML11 7QH 24 0 55.678683 -3.782013
ML11 7QJ 1 0 55.678124 -3.781542
ML11 7QL 8 1 55.678534 -3.781115
ML11 7QN 21 0 55.679724 -3.780851
ML11 7QP 24 0 55.680413 -3.780469
ML11 7QQ 7 0 55.677661 -3.783096
ML11 7QR 12 0 55.678495 -3.780096
ML11 7QS 11 0 55.676948 -3.780821