all postcodes in ML11 / LANARK

find any address or company within the ML11 postcode district

Postcode Area

ML / Motherwell

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ML11 7NE 19 5 55.675429 -3.781451
ML11 7NG 1 1 55.674712 -3.781323
ML11 7NL 1 1 55.674677 -3.781894
ML11 7NR 1 1 55.673306 -3.772927
ML11 7NZ 35 1 55.675037 -3.77873
ML11 7PA 16 0 55.674443 -3.782398
ML11 7PB 16 0 55.675085 -3.782199
ML11 7PD 15 0 55.675995 -3.786375
ML11 7PE 19 0 55.67716 -3.786651
ML11 7PF 8 0 55.67704 -3.784976
ML11 7PG 18 0 55.678116 -3.785136
ML11 7PH 10 0 55.678727 -3.78518
ML11 7PJ 22 0 55.678675 -3.783826
ML11 7PL 32 0 55.676971 -3.789092
ML11 7PN 19 0 55.677904 -3.78861
ML11 7PP 8 1 55.676135 -3.787272
ML11 7PQ 36 0 55.67899 -3.785017
ML11 7PR 16 0 55.678277 -3.788293
ML11 7PS 6 0 55.679941 -3.783247
ML11 7PT 26 3 55.674328 -3.778576