all postcodes in N16 / LONDON

find any address or company within the N16 postcode district

Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N16 7BU 59 0 51.559335 -0.065981
N16 7BX 40 0 51.559923 -0.066735
N16 7DA 45 0 51.561431 -0.067638
N16 7DG 61 0 51.562995 -0.071438
N16 7DH 30 0 51.562666 -0.068913
N16 7DJ 47 0 51.563319 -0.068178
N16 7DL 29 0 51.56449 -0.067205
N16 7DN 5 0 51.562995 -0.071438
N16 7DP 48 0 51.563425 -0.067481
N16 7DR 42 0 51.5645 -0.066685
N16 7DS 12 0 51.562562 -0.06808
N16 7DT 39 3 51.563075 -0.066893
N16 7DU 7 0 51.564969 -0.065699
N16 7DX 30 0 51.564595 -0.065833
N16 7EA 43 2 51.56442 -0.065145
N16 7EB 8 0 51.564794 -0.064912
N16 7ED 33 2 51.563149 -0.066021
N16 7EH 8 1 51.562258 -0.066001
N16 7EJ 50 0 51.56161 -0.065942
N16 7EL 43 0 51.561611 -0.065466