all postcodes in N16 / LONDON

find any address or company within the N16 postcode district

Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N16 7NL 32 0 51.557756 -0.073177
N16 7NP 15 0 51.558308 -0.073497
N16 7NR 45 1 51.55768 -0.073988
N16 7NS 24 0 51.558933 -0.073803
N16 7NT 19 0 51.558514 -0.073431
N16 7NU 6 0 51.558978 -0.073209
N16 7NX 37 6 51.559949 -0.073212
N16 7NY 92 17 51.559995 -0.073717
N16 7PA 37 7 51.559 -0.074016
N16 7PB 23 6 51.558442 -0.074026
N16 7PL 56 18 51.557753 -0.074199
N16 7PP 88 0 51.559279 -0.070225
N16 7PR 30 1 51.55807 -0.069944
N16 7PS 49 0 51.55899 -0.070699
N16 7PT 50 0 51.558899 -0.071164
N16 7PU 29 0 51.557796 -0.070793
N16 7PX 30 0 51.557396 -0.072067
N16 7QA 16 1 51.557358 -0.073598
N16 7QB 1 1 51.557048 -0.073969
N16 7QD 59 0 51.557081 -0.07