all postcodes in N16 / LONDON

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Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N16 7QH 25 0 51.557385 -0.069338
N16 7QJ 54 0 51.557513 -0.070403
N16 7QL 40 1 51.55768 -0.069211
N16 7QP 22 0 51.557117 -0.068775
N16 7QR 26 0 51.555184 -0.068393
N16 7QS 18 4 51.555249 -0.067914
N16 7QT 48 0 51.555729 -0.067464
N16 7QU 50 0 51.55631 -0.067927
N16 7QX 50 0 51.557069 -0.068169
N16 7QY 21 0 51.557812 -0.068512
N16 7RA 48 0 51.560803 -0.068299
N16 7RB 40 0 51.561188 -0.068701
N16 7RD 21 0 51.560863 -0.066998
N16 7RH 9 0 51.560928 -0.066072
N16 7RJ 32 0 51.560896 -0.065222
N16 7RP 20 0 51.560646 -0.063675
N16 7RR 28 0 51.560466 -0.064187
N16 7RS 20 0 51.560575 -0.065351
N16 7RT 35 0 51.560572 -0.066837
N16 7RU 36 0 51.560487 -0.068226