all postcodes in N16 / LONDON

find any address or company within the N16 postcode district

Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N16 7RX 9 0 51.560144 -0.069741
N16 7RY 10 0 51.559615 -0.069345
N16 7SA 58 0 51.559692 -0.067858
N16 7SB 62 0 51.559608 -0.068321
N16 7SD 39 0 51.55966 -0.069891
N16 7SH 46 0 51.558626 -0.069231
N16 7SJ 24 3 51.558651 -0.068087
N16 7SL 45 0 51.558993 -0.067049
N16 7SN 24 0 51.558349 -0.067768
N16 7SP 4 0 51.558665 -0.066803
N16 7SQ 11 0 51.559153 -0.068992
N16 7SR 25 3 51.558223 -0.068365
N16 7SS 29 0 51.558102 -0.067
N16 7ST 24 0 51.558407 -0.066381
N16 7SU 8 0 51.555113 -0.073921
N16 7SW 20 0 51.558572 -0.06711
N16 7SX 6 4 51.55554 -0.073501
N16 7TB 43 0 51.555074 -0.072511
N16 7TD 75 0 51.55506 -0.070692
N16 7TE 1 0 51.555571 -0.068925