all postcodes in N16 / LONDON

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Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N16 7EP 6 0 51.562104 -0.066876
N16 7ER 25 0 51.562079 -0.067654
N16 7ES 32 0 51.56189 -0.068744
N16 7ET 15 0 51.561516 -0.069524
N16 7GA 1 1 51.562307 -0.073357
N16 7HA 5 1 51.563815 -0.072601
N16 7HB 57 0 51.563751 -0.072041
N16 7HD 48 0 51.563579 -0.071413
N16 7HE 8 0 51.562725 -0.07308
N16 7HF 50 0 51.563621 -0.072869
N16 7HG 17 0 51.562992 -0.072895
N16 7HH 46 0 51.563426 -0.071968
N16 7HJ 9 0 51.563168 -0.07208
N16 7HL 18 7 51.563282 -0.072479
N16 7HR 20 4 51.562885 -0.072297
N16 7HU 36 18 51.562898 -0.073202
N16 7JA 8 0 51.562584 -0.072696
N16 7JB 7 0 51.562348 -0.073125
N16 7JD 31 9 51.562038 -0.073412
N16 7JL 32 13 51.561277 -0.073574