all postcodes in N16 / LONDON

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Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N16 8BU 14 6 51.55516 -0.075102
N16 8BX 35 12 51.554691 -0.075006
N16 8BY 49 5 51.553925 -0.077101
N16 8BZ 1 1 51.554163 -0.078462
N16 8DA 3 3 51.553929 -0.079553
N16 8DD 3 2 51.552496 -0.079354
N16 8DE 2 0 51.553389 -0.079391
N16 8DF 71 0 51.552779 -0.077438
N16 8DG 68 0 51.553016 -0.077082
N16 8DH 57 0 51.553249 -0.077043
N16 8DJ 62 1 51.553475 -0.076993
N16 8DL 77 0 51.553694 -0.077284
N16 8DQ 18 0 51.552991 -0.078857
N16 8DR 6 6 51.558323 -0.074812
N16 8DS 1 1 51.557853 -0.074815
N16 8DT 53 0 51.557265 -0.075128
N16 8DU 30 0 51.556901 -0.075447
N16 8DX 40 0 51.556901 -0.075447
N16 8EA 55 0 51.556607 -0.076685
N16 8EB 87 0 51.556352 -0.076537