all postcodes in N16 / LONDON

find any address or company within the N16 postcode district

Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N16 8JZ 21 0 51.549824 -0.076397
N16 8LA 9 4 51.550095 -0.07608
N16 8LD 7 0 51.548855 -0.077777
N16 8LG 32 0 51.551884 -0.08264
N16 8LH 50 0 51.551747 -0.080843
N16 8LJ 40 0 51.551386 -0.079675
N16 8LL 30 0 51.551083 -0.079269
N16 8LN 25 0 51.550629 -0.079029
N16 8LP 45 0 51.550319 -0.078797
N16 8LQ 50 0 51.551858 -0.081602
N16 8LR 40 0 51.549812 -0.079107
N16 8LS 36 0 51.55037 -0.07966
N16 8LT 5 0 51.550009 -0.079618
N16 8LU 7 0 51.550885 -0.079811
N16 8LW 24 0 51.550273 -0.079246
N16 8LX 11 0 51.550396 -0.080164
N16 8LY 32 0 51.550729 -0.08077
N16 8LZ 9 0 51.550569 -0.081411
N16 8NA 21 1 51.550818 -0.081228
N16 8NB 18 0 51.551194 -0.080592