all postcodes in N16 / LONDON

find any address or company within the N16 postcode district

Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N16 8PS 31 0 51.552396 -0.082476
N16 8PT 32 0 51.552207 -0.08202
N16 8PU 13 1 51.552731 -0.082172
N16 8PW 36 0 51.552955 -0.084369
N16 8PX 4 1 51.552543 -0.080607
N16 8QD 19 2 51.552186 -0.081721
N16 8QG 12 0 51.552558 -0.083018
N16 8QH 22 0 51.55227 -0.083114
N16 8QL 2 0 51.552528 -0.084462
N16 8QN 4 0 51.554488 -0.083918
N16 8QP 4 0 51.557864 -0.083026
N16 8QQ 3 3 51.556871 -0.082964
N16 8QR 34 2 51.554206 -0.083869
N16 8QS 24 0 51.554189 -0.083365
N16 8QT 30 0 51.554198 -0.082788
N16 8QW 33 6 51.55624 -0.083423
N16 8QX 34 0 51.556178 -0.082387
N16 8QY 80 1 51.555665 -0.08287
N16 8QZ 28 0 51.552291 -0.083906
N16 8RE 36 0 51.557133 -0.0819