all postcodes in N16 / LONDON

find any address or company within the N16 postcode district

Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N16 8ND 20 0 51.551344 -0.082042
N16 8NE 20 0 51.55098 -0.081812
N16 8NF 20 0 51.551262 -0.082522
N16 8NG 10 0 51.550536 -0.082134
N16 8NH 18 0 51.550517 -0.082625
N16 8NN 1 0 51.551722 -0.079877
N16 8NP 7 2 51.551921 -0.083636
N16 8NQ 8 0 51.5508 -0.082887
N16 8NT 4 2 51.551833 -0.079413
N16 8NU 1 1 51.552158 -0.080147
N16 8NW 12 0 51.551932 -0.082107
N16 8PB 1 0 51.553285 -0.079783
N16 8PE 15 0 51.553026 -0.079909
N16 8PF 32 0 51.553636 -0.08033
N16 8PG 5 0 51.552803 -0.080553
N16 8PH 16 0 51.553742 -0.083499
N16 8PJ 41 0 51.553593 -0.083736
N16 8PL 2 0 51.553242 -0.084129
N16 8PP 22 0 51.552837 -0.083191
N16 8PQ 12 0 51.553206 -0.083767