all postcodes in N16 / LONDON

find any address or company within the N16 postcode district

Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N16 8ED 84 1 51.556048 -0.076509
N16 8EE 22 0 51.557842 -0.075825
N16 8EF 85 1 51.555813 -0.077123
N16 8EG 78 1 51.555344 -0.077013
N16 8EH 32 0 51.55704 -0.076797
N16 8EJ 40 0 51.557818 -0.077067
N16 8EL 74 19 51.559197 -0.074415
N16 8EN 26 3 51.558546 -0.075798
N16 8EP 65 0 51.547274 -0.076129
N16 8EQ 78 0 51.555039 -0.077083
N16 8ER 11 0 51.558844 -0.074932
N16 8ET 6 0 51.558308 -0.075719
N16 8EU 30 0 51.557961 -0.07758
N16 8EW 16 0 51.555699 -0.074966
N16 8EX 19 0 51.558123 -0.078107
N16 8EY 16 0 51.558278 -0.076052
N16 8GL 7 0 51.556628 -0.076367
N16 8HF 13 1 51.556685 -0.078182
N16 8HG 24 0 51.557086 -0.077949
N16 8HL 45 0 51.556791 -0.075841