all postcodes in N19 / LONDON

find any address or company within the N19 postcode district

Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N19 5JG 1 51.566621 -0.142333
N19 5JH 1 51.564496 -0.135898
N19 5JJ 0 51.562347 -0.137082
N19 5JL 1 51.563443 -0.137586
N19 5JP 0 51.563116 -0.137368
N19 5JR 0 51.562644 -0.137099
N19 5JS 0 51.562979 -0.138961
N19 5JT 19 51.562626 -0.138788
N19 5JU 0 51.562454 -0.137569
N19 5JW 0 51.5635 -0.139474
N19 5JX 0 51.56191 -0.137666
N19 5JY 0 51.562116 -0.138376
N19 5JZ 0 51.561651 -0.138568
N19 5LA 0 51.561666 -0.137803
N19 5LB 3 51.56087 -0.137333
N19 5LD 0 51.560945 -0.137688
N19 5LE 0 51.5614 -0.138001
N19 5LF 0 51.56122 -0.138557
N19 5LG 0 51.56133 -0.138725
N19 5LH 0 51.560602 -0.138755