all postcodes in N19 / LONDON

find any address or company within the N19 postcode district

Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N19 5RD 7 51.564042 -0.135642
N19 5RE 7 51.564659 -0.13543
N19 5RN 0 51.563929 -0.131376
N19 5RP 0 51.56282 -0.134033
N19 5RQ 6 51.5655 -0.134965
N19 5RR 4 51.562736 -0.131541
N19 5RS 0 51.562238 -0.133076
N19 5RT 0 51.561988 -0.134861
N19 5RU 0 51.562389 -0.134051
N19 5RW 0 51.563287 -0.133423
N19 5RX 0 51.561452 -0.135619
N19 5RY 0 51.561769 -0.135245
N19 5RZ 1 51.560302 -0.136243
N19 5SA 0 51.56063 -0.135984
N19 5SB 0 51.563077 -0.134903
N19 5SE 29 51.564904 -0.133299
N19 5SG 1 51.564689 -0.133957
N19 5SH 0 51.564128 -0.133734
N19 5SJ 0 51.564066 -0.134329
N19 5SN 0 51.563445 -0.134311