all postcodes in N19 / LONDON

find any address or company within the N19 postcode district

Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N19 5SP 1 51.563823 -0.133776
N19 5SQ 0 51.564665 -0.133568
N19 5SR 0 51.564071 -0.132759
N19 5SS 8 51.564153 -0.131338
N19 5TA 1 51.564881 -0.135276
N19 5TR 0 51.566134 -0.142266
N19 5TS 0 51.565833 -0.142339
N19 5TT 0 51.565629 -0.142171
N19 5TU 0 51.565287 -0.142128
N19 5TX 0 51.565001 -0.142085
N19 5TY 30 0 51.564798 -0.14196
N19 5TZ 51 0 51.564424 -0.143303
N19 5UB 12 0 51.557566 -0.137235
N19 5UD 12 0 51.55747 -0.136849
N19 5UE 20 0 51.557669 -0.136927
N19 5UF 10 0 51.558114 -0.136693
N19 5UH 23 0 51.557959 -0.135992
N19 5UN 10 9 51.560173 -0.133062
N19 5UW 1 1 51.561858 -0.131216
N19 5XA 15 0 51.562776 -0.136329