all postcodes in N19 / LONDON

find any address or company within the N19 postcode district

Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N19 5PW 0 51.561602 -0.136045
N19 5PX 11 51.561761 -0.136385
N19 5PY 0 51.561046 -0.136126
N19 5PZ 1 51.560806 -0.136886
N19 5QA 2 51.559589 -0.137267
N19 5QD 0 51.559445 -0.137215
N19 5QE 0 51.558353 -0.137549
N19 5QG 0 51.557425 -0.138005
N19 5QH 0 51.557881 -0.138433
N19 5QJ 0 51.559004 -0.138921
N19 5QL 0 51.559652 -0.137799
N19 5QN 0 51.559823 -0.13896
N19 5QP 0 51.559607 -0.140109
N19 5QQ 0 51.558121 -0.138236
N19 5QR 0 51.563332 -0.131548
N19 5QT 6 51.564862 -0.134657
N19 5QU 10 51.563775 -0.135264
N19 5QW 0 51.560123 -0.139179
N19 5QX 3 51.562581 -0.135962
N19 5QZ 1 51.562582 -0.136398