all postcodes in N19 / LONDON

find any address or company within the N19 postcode district

Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N19 5LP 1 51.565934 -0.135854
N19 5LQ 0 51.561019 -0.138926
N19 5LR 1 51.566183 -0.121432
N19 5LS 1 51.565886 -0.135682
N19 5LT 0 51.561627 -0.137011
N19 5NA 1 51.565132 -0.135558
N19 5NE 5 51.567449 -0.138767
N19 5DT 1 51.56767 -0.141355
N19 5NF 1 51.566482 -0.139066
N19 5NH 0 51.56866 -0.138253
N19 5NJ 2 51.568477 -0.138015
N19 5NL 14 51.567859 -0.138776
N19 5NN 0 51.567618 -0.13831
N19 5NP 0 51.568047 -0.137571
N19 5NQ 2 51.568502 -0.140178
N19 5NR 0 51.567844 -0.137233
N19 5NS 0 51.567402 -0.137727
N19 5NW 1 51.568222 -0.137838
N19 5NX 1 51.566612 -0.142348
N19 5PH 1 51.565678 -0.135633