all postcodes in NE15 / NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE

find any address or company within the NE15 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE15 9BD 20 0 54.992836 -1.749648
NE15 9BE 38 0 54.99331 -1.74852
NE15 9BH 14 0 54.994364 -1.749545
NE15 9BJ 19 0 54.995226 -1.749227
NE15 9BL 15 0 54.994583 -1.751075
NE15 9BN 17 0 54.994503 -1.751576
NE15 9BP 12 0 54.994383 -1.750154
NE15 9BQ 12 0 54.993717 -1.749612
NE15 9BR 8 0 54.99342 -1.74927
NE15 9BS 18 0 54.993602 -1.750566
NE15 9BT 14 4 54.995734 -1.752598
NE15 9BU 12 0 54.995355 -1.75093
NE15 9DP 17 0 54.997099 -1.755749
NE15 9DQ 8 0 54.996441 -1.768195
NE15 9DR 24 0 54.996683 -1.768085
NE15 9DS 15 0 54.996958 -1.766223
NE15 9DT 5 0 54.996397 -1.765145
NE15 9DU 20 1 54.995886 -1.7649
NE15 9DX 15 1 54.995824 -1.760634
NE15 9DY 10 1 54.996173 -1.759881