all postcodes in NE15 / NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE

find any address or company within the NE15 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE15 9DZ 1 1 54.99647 -1.75555
NE15 9EA 7 4 54.995816 -1.757615
NE15 9EB 12 1 54.996115 -1.75785
NE15 9ED 23 0 54.996075 -1.751129
NE15 9EE 9 0 54.995677 -1.763479
NE15 9EG 9 0 54.998177 -1.755383
NE15 9EH 5 0 54.995838 -1.758836
NE15 9EJ 3 0 54.996252 -1.758865
NE15 9EL 12 3 54.995795 -1.754944
NE15 9EN 6 0 54.996259 -1.75355
NE15 9EP 30 7 54.99795 -1.754228
NE15 9EQ 1 1 55.000268 -1.758341
NE15 9ER 10 0 54.998455 -1.755319
NE15 9ES 18 0 54.997684 -1.755871
NE15 9ET 25 1 54.997918 -1.756088
NE15 9EU 23 0 54.997369 -1.755888
NE15 9EW 4 4 55.000183 -1.752198
NE15 9EX 23 0 54.99683 -1.75572
NE15 9EY 19 0 54.996595 -1.750703
NE15 9HA 20 0 54.996435 -1.751752