all postcodes in NE15 / NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE

find any address or company within the NE15 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE15 9LT 27 0 54.995023 -1.759841
NE15 9LU 11 0 54.995331 -1.761246
NE15 9NN 10 0 54.994269 -1.755876
NE15 9NP 6 1 54.995824 -1.755929
NE15 9NQ 33 1 54.994609 -1.755389
NE15 9NR 33 0 54.994634 -1.755074
NE15 9NS 12 4 54.992466 -1.753136
NE15 9NT 24 0 54.992808 -1.753228
NE15 9NU 12 0 54.993045 -1.755944
NE15 9NX 8 0 54.993541 -1.75574
NE15 9NY 12 0 54.992812 -1.756195
NE15 9PA 44 2 54.992882 -1.758854
NE15 9PB 12 0 54.992543 -1.756431
NE15 9PD 18 0 54.992276 -1.756732
NE15 9PG 45 0 54.991707 -1.75997
NE15 9PH 0 54.992233 -1.758029
NE15 9PN 0 54.991465 -1.755611
NE15 9PP 0 54.992362 -1.755043
NE15 9PQ 0 54.990878 -1.754365
NE15 9PR 0 54.991082 -1.757583