all postcodes in NE15 / NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE

find any address or company within the NE15 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE15 9RT 18 54.977687 -1.729213
NE15 9RU 7 54.981814 -1.734404
NE15 9RX 0 54.99543 -1.743489
NE15 9RY 1 54.993359 -1.733359
NE15 9SA 0 54.993234 -1.733907
NE15 9SD 0 54.989735 -1.724303
NE15 9SE 0 54.989997 -1.724614
NE15 9SH 0 54.990347 -1.724502
NE15 9SJ 0 54.990804 -1.724155
NE15 9SL 0 54.991086 -1.725544
NE15 9SN 3 54.991904 -1.725788
NE15 9SP 0 54.991229 -1.725293
NE15 9SQ 0 54.991002 -1.724107
NE15 9SR 3 54.992962 -1.732518
NE15 9TL 0 54.999755 -1.728142
NE15 9TP 1 54.996587 -1.742669
NE15 9WY 1 54.984242 -1.686009
NE15 9XA 0 54.997826 -1.725545
NE15 9XB 0 54.998006 -1.725872
NE15 9XD 0 54.997991 -1.726872