all postcodes in NE15 / NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE

find any address or company within the NE15 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE15 9XE 0 54.997858 -1.727827
NE15 9XF 0 54.996526 -1.727007
NE15 9XG 0 54.997198 -1.726018
NE15 9XH 0 54.995313 -1.726812
NE15 9XJ 0 54.996232 -1.728119
NE15 9XL 0 54.99571 -1.727623
NE15 9XN 0 54.996177 -1.727401
NE15 9XQ 0 54.996335 -1.726086
NE15 9DW 0 54.99657 -1.760723
NE15 9QJ 0 54.992474 -1.757215
NE15 9AJ 0 54.991323 -1.756534
NE15 9WR 1 1 54.984242 -1.686009
NE15 9SU 1 1 54.99132 -1.725792
NE15 9AW 12 54.99994 -1.751761
NE15 9QL 6 0 54.990421 -1.759431
NE15 9QN 27 0 54.991339 -1.759973
NE15 9QP 30 0 54.990728 -1.760133
NE15 9QR 1 54.99211 -1.751167
NE15 9RW 9 0 54.993757 -1.734669
NE15 9BF 6 0 54.99893 -1.751203