all postcodes in NE25 / WHITLEY BAY

find any address or company within the NE25 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE25 0RT 0 55.08322 -1.516995
NE25 0RU 0 55.083611 -1.515957
NE25 0RW 0 55.083962 -1.520636
NE25 0RX 0 55.085236 -1.517739
NE25 0RY 0 55.085261 -1.517315
NE25 0SB 0 55.085349 -1.516719
NE25 0SD 0 55.086081 -1.516286
NE25 0SE 0 55.084703 -1.516962
NE25 0SF 0 55.086973 -1.518532
NE25 0SG 1 55.086048 -1.518638
NE25 0SH 0 55.084025 -1.513884
NE25 0SJ 0 55.084643 -1.511025
NE25 0SN 0 55.084172 -1.521339
NE25 0SP 0 55.084354 -1.521948
NE25 0SQ 0 55.086796 -1.517577
NE25 0SR 0 55.083399 -1.523745
NE25 0SS 0 55.08224 -1.52592
NE25 0ST 0 55.085252 -1.519509
NE25 0SU 0 55.084724 -1.520173
NE25 0SW 0 55.083805 -1.521798