all postcodes in NE25 / WHITLEY BAY

find any address or company within the NE25 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE25 0LU 0 55.064071 -1.508035
NE25 0LW 1 55.063491 -1.504707
NE25 0LZ 0 55.064408 -1.509158
NE25 0NA 0 55.064931 -1.509653
NE25 0NB 0 55.064505 -1.508891
NE25 0ND 1 55.064591 -1.508403
NE25 0NE 0 55.065968 -1.510689
NE25 0NF 0 55.066588 -1.510525
NE25 0NG 0 55.065707 -1.512791
NE25 0NH 0 55.064543 -1.511521
NE25 0NJ 0 55.063646 -1.511829
NE25 0NL 0 55.064392 -1.509675
NE25 0NN 0 55.063408 -1.510736
NE25 0NP 0 55.065182 -1.514159
NE25 0NQ 0 55.065578 -1.511978
NE25 0NR 0 55.065038 -1.511703
NE25 0NS 0 55.065732 -1.510066
NE25 0NT 0 55.065245 -1.509508
NE25 0NU 0 55.063991 -1.508396
NE25 0NW 0 55.06418 -1.512872