all postcodes in NE25 / WHITLEY BAY

find any address or company within the NE25 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE25 0JU 0 55.064737 -1.521993
NE25 0JW 0 55.064747 -1.524577
NE25 0JX 0 55.064942 -1.516918
NE25 0JY 0 55.065084 -1.518826
NE25 0JZ 0 55.065201 -1.521048
NE25 0LA 0 55.064718 -1.514791
NE25 0LB 1 55.064477 -1.501986
NE25 0LD 0 55.064619 -1.503785
NE25 0LE 0 55.065754 -1.502033
NE25 0LF 0 55.06522 -1.503464
NE25 0LG 0 55.066355 -1.503967
NE25 0LH 0 55.063815 -1.504813
NE25 0LJ 1 55.06348 -1.504316
NE25 0LL 2 55.064252 -1.503962
NE25 0LN 1 55.066504 -1.50539
NE25 0LP 0 55.063332 -1.505492
NE25 0LQ 0 55.065454 -1.501332
NE25 0LR 0 55.063848 -1.506268
NE25 0LS 0 55.063931 -1.506909
NE25 0LT 1 55.064212 -1.507517