all postcodes in NE25 / WHITLEY BAY

find any address or company within the NE25 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE25 0NX 0 55.064245 -1.518022
NE25 0PA 0 55.063832 -1.515741
NE25 0PB 0 55.063861 -1.516258
NE25 0PD 0 55.064013 -1.513766
NE25 0PE 0 55.063422 -1.514415
NE25 0PG 0 55.064465 -1.519022
NE25 0PH 0 55.063183 -1.510692
NE25 0PN 0 55.079735 -1.528832
NE25 0PP 16 55.078145 -1.533737
NE25 0PZ 0 55.076729 -1.539361
NE25 0PR 1 55.078876 -1.534528
NE25 0PS 0 55.076613 -1.537358
NE25 0PT 3 55.076002 -1.539792
NE25 0PW 0 55.079058 -1.535058
NE25 0PY 0 55.078311 -1.537885
NE25 0QA 0 55.072147 -1.518648
NE25 0QB 1 55.076528 -1.540851
NE25 0QF 0 55.077487 -1.542547
NE25 0QG 1 55.083161 -1.543673
NE25 0QH 1 55.075579 -1.534864