all postcodes in NE25 / WHITLEY BAY

find any address or company within the NE25 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE25 0QJ 1 55.067736 -1.525919
NE25 0QL 0 55.074637 -1.532713
NE25 0QN 0 55.075181 -1.534054
NE25 0QP 0 55.074562 -1.534343
NE25 0QQ 0 55.08775 -1.550013
NE25 0QR 0 55.074295 -1.532592
NE25 0QS 1 55.062099 -1.503251
NE25 0QT 15 55.079164 -1.530513
NE25 0QW 0 55.075113 -1.534994
NE25 0RD 1 55.085596 -1.520272
NE25 0RE 0 55.082532 -1.522518
NE25 0RF 0 55.0853 -1.52261
NE25 0RG 0 55.081661 -1.524925
NE25 0RH 0 55.082244 -1.522474
NE25 0RJ 0 55.082642 -1.523049
NE25 0RL 1 55.083193 -1.521445
NE25 0RN 0 55.08543 -1.521277
NE25 0RP 4 55.08406 -1.517988
NE25 0RR 0 55.083061 -1.517671
NE25 0RS 0 55.0836 -1.51533