all postcodes in NE28 / WALLSEND

find any address or company within the NE28 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE28 0DS 1 1 54.999909 -1.497111
NE28 0DT 54 0 55.00259 -1.495499
NE28 0DU 41 0 55.002877 -1.493416
NE28 0DW 30 0 55.00202 -1.494646
NE28 0DX 20 0 55.001863 -1.491428
NE28 0DY 57 0 55.000283 -1.489666
NE28 0DZ 28 0 54.998929 -1.490496
NE28 0EA 3 2 54.998563 -1.493236
NE28 0EB 1 1 54.998533 -1.494502
NE28 0EL 10 0 55.004809 -1.497722
NE28 0EP 11 2 55.005305 -1.504533
NE28 0ER 53 0 55.005974 -1.503477
NE28 0ES 51 0 55.00646 -1.501501
NE28 0ET 42 0 55.005572 -1.501856
NE28 0EU 4 0 55.005984 -1.499754
NE28 0EX 58 0 55.004712 -1.500162
NE28 0EY 33 0 55.004523 -1.498132
NE28 0EZ 14 0 55.00468 -1.499006
NE28 0HA 17 0 55.003922 -1.498296
NE28 0HB 38 0 55.003508 -1.49605