all postcodes in NE28 / WALLSEND

find any address or company within the NE28 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE28 0PN 29 1 55.001577 -1.498435
NE28 0PP 4 3 55.001088 -1.497597
NE28 0PZ 17 0 55.003448 -1.503195
NE28 0PR 12 0 55.002777 -1.497388
NE28 0PS 24 6 55.002641 -1.499313
NE28 0PU 60 0 55.002652 -1.501908
NE28 0PW 23 1 55.00198 -1.498412
NE28 0PX 63 0 55.004437 -1.501213
NE28 0PY 48 0 55.003789 -1.500846
NE28 0QA 4 0 55.003752 -1.502801
NE28 0QB 37 0 55.003712 -1.503943
NE28 0QD 1 1 54.989953 -1.480122
NE28 0QF 36 1 55.003839 -1.502112
NE28 0QH 18 0 55.00562 -1.504795
NE28 0QJ 39 0 55.006463 -1.504315
NE28 0QL 30 0 55.00669 -1.502796
NE28 0QN 21 0 55.006859 -1.500136
NE28 0QP 24 0 55.007151 -1.503883
NE28 0QQ 26 0 55.006675 -1.505751
NE28 0QR 4 0 55.007308 -1.504352