all postcodes in NE28 / WALLSEND

find any address or company within the NE28 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE28 0LY 28 0 54.999003 -1.501718
NE28 0LZ 26 0 54.997483 -1.501393
NE28 0NA 6 0 54.997873 -1.500247
NE28 0NB 22 0 54.997288 -1.499958
NE28 0ND 21 0 54.997724 -1.49878
NE28 0NE 23 0 54.998975 -1.499296
NE28 0NF 20 0 54.998091 -1.500854
NE28 0NG 16 0 54.998729 -1.50069
NE28 0NH 21 0 54.999953 -1.503364
NE28 0NJ 44 0 54.997378 -1.502208
NE28 0NQ 34 0 54.998936 -1.502892
NE28 0NX 6 0 55.003528 -1.498583
NE28 0NZ 4 0 55.002594 -1.498719
NE28 0PB 1 1 54.992367 -1.473074
NE28 0PD 1 1 54.99035 -1.486822
NE28 0PE 13 0 55.001599 -1.501436
NE28 0PG 25 0 55.002125 -1.500476
NE28 0PH 33 0 55.001984 -1.503386
NE28 0PJ 20 0 55.002324 -1.502975
NE28 0PL 41 0 55.000765 -1.502009