all postcodes in NE28 / WALLSEND

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Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE28 0HD 32 0 55.004418 -1.496492
NE28 0HE 21 0 55.004796 -1.496566
NE28 0HF 22 0 55.005213 -1.497514
NE28 0HG 71 3 55.005842 -1.497475
NE28 0HH 34 0 55.004519 -1.494787
NE28 0HJ 26 0 55.005601 -1.49568
NE28 0HL 32 0 55.005291 -1.494621
NE28 0HN 16 0 55.003958 -1.493856
NE28 0HP 24 0 55.003407 -1.501961
NE28 0HW 27 0 55.003365 -1.491925
NE28 0JD 30 0 54.99498 -1.502409
NE28 0JE 25 1 54.995621 -1.501151
NE28 0JH 31 0 54.994339 -1.480332
NE28 0JJ 33 0 54.991889 -1.483192
NE28 0JL 3 0 54.992408 -1.482545
NE28 0JN 33 1 54.991842 -1.482677
NE28 0JP 4 0 54.994206 -1.480972
NE28 0JR 44 0 54.99312 -1.480957
NE28 0JS 29 0 54.99319 -1.480487
NE28 0JT 32 2 54.991745 -1.480943