all postcodes in NE28 / WALLSEND

find any address or company within the NE28 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE28 0JW 22 0 54.99184 -1.482224
NE28 0JX 4 0 54.99119 -1.48156
NE28 0JY 2 0 54.991302 -1.482822
NE28 0JZ 74 0 54.991783 -1.481427
NE28 0LA 2 0 54.99237 -1.482107
NE28 0LB 28 0 55.000696 -1.498305
NE28 0LF 21 11 54.996568 -1.502215
NE28 0LG 15 0 54.997026 -1.499523
NE28 0LH 41 0 54.998011 -1.496588
NE28 0LJ 17 0 54.997874 -1.498215
NE28 0LL 39 0 54.998551 -1.496878
NE28 0LN 6 0 54.998781 -1.495828
NE28 0LP 10 0 54.998657 -1.498534
NE28 0LQ 32 0 54.997598 -1.496734
NE28 0LR 16 0 54.999368 -1.498853
NE28 0LS 43 0 55.000628 -1.499322
NE28 0LT 32 0 55.00041 -1.500919
NE28 0LU 21 0 55.000118 -1.502002
NE28 0LW 42 0 54.999361 -1.497181
NE28 0LX 37 0 54.999571 -1.50007