all postcodes in NE33 / SOUTH SHIELDS

find any address or company within the NE33 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE33 1JR 2 2 54.997733 -1.439393
NE33 1JW 26 0 54.998327 -1.43934
NE33 1JY 16 0 55.001293 -1.437423
NE33 1LH 8 8 55.00648 -1.428235
NE33 1LL 19 0 55.001522 -1.436529
NE33 1LN 47 0 55.001869 -1.435805
NE33 1LQ 9 9 55.003969 -1.438949
NE33 1LR 28 0 55.006384 -1.430801
NE33 1LS 46 0 55.006483 -1.428907
NE33 1LU 15 0 55.000795 -1.436648
NE33 1LW 19 0 55.00124 -1.435782
NE33 1LX 1 0 54.997952 -1.432046
NE33 1LZ 3 3 54.997563 -1.431504
NE33 1NA 3 2 54.997813 -1.431498
NE33 1NE 1 1 54.997877 -1.431562
NE33 1NF 3 1 54.998464 -1.432148
NE33 1NS 12 6 54.997362 -1.430803
NE33 1NT 9 5 54.996686 -1.430469
NE33 1NU 10 8 54.996325 -1.430177
NE33 1PD 16 5 54.9964 -1.430801