all postcodes in NE34 / SOUTH SHIELDS

find any address or company within the NE34 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE34 9DD 0 54.96979 -1.457998
NE34 9DE 0 54.970217 -1.458945
NE34 9DF 0 54.961277 -1.459253
NE34 9DG 0 54.961838 -1.460261
NE34 9DH 0 54.961785 -1.458512
NE34 9DJ 0 54.961806 -1.45898
NE34 9DL 0 54.960815 -1.460555
NE34 9DN 0 54.962606 -1.461078
NE34 9DP 0 54.963965 -1.461606
NE34 9DQ 0 54.96245 -1.460362
NE34 9DR 0 54.964695 -1.459988
NE34 9DS 0 54.965003 -1.458641
NE34 9DT 1 54.96355 -1.453442
NE34 9DU 0 54.964633 -1.458333
NE34 9DW 0 54.963548 -1.460769
NE34 9DX 3 54.964011 -1.459872
NE34 9DY 0 54.964857 -1.462251
NE34 9DZ 0 54.964524 -1.461927
NE34 9EA 0 54.965351 -1.46201
NE34 9EB 0 54.965889 -1.461909