all postcodes in NE34 / SOUTH SHIELDS

find any address or company within the NE34 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE34 9ED 0 54.966642 -1.459384
NE34 9EE 0 54.967265 -1.458001
NE34 9EF 0 54.967126 -1.459096
NE34 9EG 0 54.966897 -1.460083
NE34 9EH 0 54.967189 -1.461204
NE34 9EJ 0 54.968067 -1.460614
NE34 9EL 0 54.968499 -1.462671
NE34 9EN 0 54.967542 -1.46373
NE34 9EP 0 54.968331 -1.465484
NE34 9EQ 0 54.966488 -1.461135
NE34 9ER 0 54.969176 -1.463489
NE34 9ET 0 54.968363 -1.450317
NE34 9EU 0 54.968835 -1.449514
NE34 9EW 0 54.967254 -1.463734
NE34 9EX 0 54.968284 -1.448912
NE34 9EY 0 54.969057 -1.448776
NE34 9EZ 0 54.969459 -1.448349
NE34 9HA 0 54.962558 -1.456409
NE34 9HB 0 54.963742 -1.457924
NE34 9HD 0 54.963804 -1.455705